Celebrating success for Lauren in her first solo project management role

Congratulations to Lauren Speariett, who has completed her very first solo project management job several weeks ahead of schedule after transitioning into a management role!

Two single flight staircases were completed without any issues, way ahead of programme. Lauren oversaw every aspect of the build, from the first piece of metalwork to the lights, carpentry, and all wood and stone components.

We spoke to Lauren to learn more about her journey into the construction industry and why she’s chosen to advance her career with Leyton Group.

I had no idea what I wanted to do when I left school. I saw a job for a welding apprenticeship, and I had to Google what welding was (!) – but it sounded like my kind of thing, so I went for it. I worked as a welder in Manchester for 15 years before moving down south after my partner was made an offer by the London School of Economics.

I asked one of my contacts if there were any roles going at Leyton Group, and luckily, they had a vacancy. After meeting Fraser for an espresso at Canary Wharf and deciding to accept his offer, I’m still here 6 and a half years later!

I was welding full-time until 2 years ago, when I began supporting Rob on a large job in Paddington. He needed someone to help him, and I soon became the Robin to his Batman! I picked up new skills quickly and realised that this was the direction I wanted to go in. It was good timing, too, because I’d recently been diagnosed with carpel tunnel syndrome, so I was at a crossroads – I could either change course completely, or grow with Leyton, and I chose the latter.

I did some management courses and set about learning everything I could from Rob. He’s one of the smartest, most organised people I’ve ever met, and he’s been so generous with his time and his knowledge. We work brilliantly as a team, and I know he wants me to succeed.

To continue bringing positive energy to my role, and helping the company grow as much as we can.  It’s really important to me to keep my teams engaged and motivated, so this will continue to be a big focus for me moving forward. If I’m with my team 10 or 12 hours a day – which I often am! – I see them more than my partner, so I really do consider them my family. This extends to labourers and contractors outside of Leyton Group. We all need to be on the same page and giving our all to the task at hand.

Next, I will be working on an exciting three-year project with one of our biggest clients to date. I will be responsible for the construction of 19 staircases in total. I have a much better understanding of how everything works behind the scenes now, so I’m confident that I can handle the pressure – and what’s even better is, I have proven to the leadership team that my instincts can be trusted. That’s all I wanted for my first project; it was a stepping stone, and a way to prove to Rob and the rest of management that they were right to see potential in me.  

More broadly, I am also passionate about getting more women into our industry. I will continue to be an active member of Women Into Construction and pushing for gender equality in our space.

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